Get To Know Us!
Our Mission & Vision
The mission of Forest Grove Christian Church is to love God, to love others, and to magnify the name of Jesus Christ. The vision of our church is to glorify our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, to make true disciples by sharing the only Gospel that saves, to edify believers, and to serve as God’s hands and feet. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and stand on it’s truth.
Leadership Team
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.

Get Involved!
Sunday Service Times:
Praise Music Service – 9:30am
Sunday School for all ages – 10:00am
Worship Service – 11am
Evening Bible Study – 6:00pm
Children’s Ministry
Sunday mornings at 10am there are Sunday school classes provided for children of all ages! Children are separated into classes for their specific age group, where they learn Bible stories and lessons through songs, crafts, games, and more!
— Nursery Class for ages 0 – 3 years old
— Ages 4-6 Class
— Ages 7-8 Class
— Ages 9-10 Class
—Ages 11-12 Class
Youth Group Classes
Taught by Lance and Jennifer Walch each Sunday morning at 10am.
We meet in the parsonage for class!
—Ages 13-18
Young Adult Class
Life can get complicated once you cross that nebulous threshold into adulthood. There are complicated decisions, bigger stakes, serious relationships, and a whole lot more decisions. The young adult group of Forest Grove meets in the old fellowship hall behind the sanctuary and provides a welcoming atmosphere for all aged (forever) young people.
Senior Adult Classes
Once you get past fifty, the fun has just begun. However, you can be any age to join this class in the sanctuary every Sunday morning. Whether you’re active as ever, retired, or just plain tired; this group provides Spiritual refreshment, the Word of God, and times of valuable interaction.
Where Can I Serve?
One of the most important values of Forest Grove Christian Church is our mission to the world. It begins in our own community, and spreads across the world. Forest Grove members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as cleaning and maintaining church property, to assisting in worship services, and preparing for the needs of the Church.
If you would like to serve in the church, just ask! We will be happy to help you find where you can best use your gifts and abilities to serve at Forest Grove.
Here are a few ways you can consider serving at Forest Grove:
Folding Church Bulletins
Bulletins for worship service need to be folded before each Sunday service.
Taking Communion to Shut-Ins
Delivering communion to those who can’t come to Church services.
Assisting In A Sunday School Class
Many of the children’s Sunday School teachers would love having a helper to assist children with their crafts and lessons, or even to help hold babies in the nursery class!
Join The Choir
Love to sing? Join the Forest Grove choir and help lead the church in worship on Sunday mornings!
Volunteer For VBS!
Every summer, Forest Grove hosts its own Vacation Bible School, and we are always in need of volunteers to teach, lead the kids in games, and to help wrangle all those kiddos!
If you have any questions about serving at Forest Grove, send us an email by simply filling out the form below!
Forest Grove Youth Group
Led by Lance and Jennifer Walch for the past fourteen years, Forest Grove’s youth group focuses on service-related projects, spiritual growth lessons with practical application, and game nights to build up community and fellowship among the kids!
Ages 13-18
We meet for class every Sunday morning at 10am
Youth nights – 2nd and 4th Sunday night of the month
Upcoming Events
Easter Cantata will be March 31st at 11am
Forest Grove Cookbooks for sale!
Cookbooks: $10.00
Cookbook proceeds to go to youth group!

115th Anniversary Cookbooks!
Church Location & Address: 8902 S US Highway 77 Rockdale, TX 76567. (click here for map & directions)
Office Hours: Times vary; please call. Most days, 8am – 5pm.
Telephone: (512) 446-5627
In the case of death or emergency please contact us by phone or email us below.
Email Us
Email: pastor@forestgrovechristianchurch.com